We invite to cooperation of advertisers and authors of articles in the edition
9-10th of NOVEMBER, 2013 www.skisalon.ru
Saint Petersburg Sports and Concert Complex (8, Yu. Gagarina av.,
Saint-Petersburg, 196105, Russia)
Main sections of the exhibition
ü Alpine ski resorts |
ü Sportshops |
ü Ski equipment |
ü Countryside recreation |
ü Tour operators |
ü Organizers of holidays |
ü Mountain and cross-country skis ü Fitness centers |
ü Aviation and transport services ü Sports and tourism press |
WELCOME to St.Petersburg , exhibition-sale 16-th "SKISALON" 20-21 of October 2012y.
WELCOME to St.Petersburg , exhibition-sale 16-th "SKISALON" 20-21 of October 2012y.
International Conference of a memory A.N.Kovalyova «Practical questions of operation of mountain-skiing complexes».
On January, 16-19th 2012y. in Leningrad region on the mountain-skiing center «Zolotaia Dolina» there has passed the International Conference of a name of A.N.Kovalyova «Practical questions of operation of mountain-skiing complexes». As the organizer of Conference company "Ski-Resort-Konsalt" has acted.
In Conference have taken part more than 100 experts of mountain-skiing business and about 30 representatives of mass media.
Within the limits of Conference tests snow guns leading world manufacturers have been carried out:
Snow guns – Areco Standart (Sweden), Lenko RA 620 (Sweden), SMI Super Polecat (USA), Supersnow 600 ECO (Poland), Supersnow SN 900 ECO MA (Poland), TPS 900 Automatic (Austria),
Snow guns – Bachler Sno Tek NESSY (Switzerland), SMI Viking V2 (USA).
Among participants of conference there were representatives of companies "Ratrak-services" (Moscow), Supersnow (Poland), TPS (Austria), "GorTehTsentr" (Moscow), «SKADO» and "SKADO-TECHNO" (Samara), SMI (USA), Pisten-Bully (Germany), Bachler (Switzerland), Lenko Russia (St.-Petersburg), ISD (Moscow), AP-SERVICE (St.-Petersburg), "SportPromStroj" (Moscow), PSK "Omega" (St.-Petersburg), representatives of "the Union of the Mountain-skiing Industry of Russia», NK «Meeting of the mountain-skiing centers of Russia», Federations of Freestyle of Russia, Rostehnadzora, delegation from "Organizing committee" of Sochi-2014 », representatives of Department on tourism of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region (Salekhard), the representative of the State Committee on republic Bashkortostan tourism, the representative of the French region Rhone-Alpes, and also representatives from 40 mountain-skiing centers from all regions of Russia:« Zolotaia Dolina "," Snejni "," Krasnoe Ozero "," Igora "," Tuutari park »(Leningrad region),« Bolshoi Vudjavr »(Kirovsk),"KolaSportLend"(Kirovsk),« the Krasnie Holmi »(Kovrov), sport Park" Volen "(Moscow Region),« Chornaia Gora» (Ivanovo), "Cometa"(Vladivostok),"Edelweiss"(Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskij),«GLK»(Samara),"Uktus"(Ekaterinburg),«Krasni Kluech »(Ufa), "Manzherok"(Republic Altai),« the Malskaia Dolina »(Pskov),«Zaiachia Gorka » (Vladimir),"Ryder"(Miass),"Puzhalova Gora"(Vladimir region),"Nechkino"(Izhevsk),« Sobolinaia Gora »(Baikalsk),« Hvoini Urman »(Khanty-Mansiysk),"Habarskoe"(Nizhni Novgorod), Gora Belaia (Nizhni Tagil),"Kalinka-Morozov"(Kirov) and many other things.
Elena Kovalyova, Boris Petrov and SVictor Timakov have opened conference With a salutatory word to participants of Conference from the president of Association of ski sports of Russia Andrey Bokareva Elena Gitina has acted the secretary general of Federation of Freestyle of Russia.
One of the most important problems for modern Ski resorts is artificial snowing. Thus snow guns are not less important component ski resorts, than rope-ways. Artificial snow allows to begin a mountain-skiing season in the autumn and to prolong it till May, thus fans of mountain skis and a snowboard have possibility to be engaged in a favorite sport six months in a year.
President Non Commercial Organization “ Alpine Club” presented brochure «A Rule on creation and management of mountain-skiing complexes in Russia»
With presentation of the equipment heads of the Russian representations of firms-manufacturers snow guns – Areco (Sweden), Bachler (Switzerland), Demac (Austria), Lenko (Sweden), SMI (USA), Supersnow (Poland), TPS (Austria) have acted.
Leading experts of campaigns «SKADO» (Doppelmayer) and "AP-SERVICE" (Leitner) have imparted experience designing, building and operation of rope-ways.
Representatives of "Rostehnadzora" and the expert organization of Joint-Stock Company "Stek" have told about control over a technical condition of rope-ways and have answered numerous questions of participants of conference – representatives Ski resorts.
The questions, concerning works Ski Resorts in summertime and in inter-season period have been taken up.
The chief of department of programs of development of tourism of the State Committee has told about development Ski resorts and creation on its base of an all-the-year-round mountain-tourist complex on State Customs Committee "Nuguesh" example on republic Bashkortostan Ruslan Valeev tourism.
The general director of company "Ski-Resort-Konsalt" has told about ways of increase of profitability Ski Resorts and about their effective management, and also about the organizations and carrying out of sports competitions to reception of the maximum economic gain.
With the big interest participants of conference have apprehended performance of the secretary general of Federation of Freestyle of Russia Elenas Gitinoj about existing position of freestyle, its development on Russian Ski Resorts and prospects of this sport on the forthcoming Olympic Games in Sochi.
Last day conferences «the round table» for discussion of questions of catering services on mountain-skiing complexes (restaurants, fast food, a catering) on which experts of "Ski-Resort-Konsalt" have acted has been organized.
Participants of conference have examined an infrastructure of mountain-skiing complexes «Zolotaia Dolina», "Snegny", «Krasnoe Ozero» and "Igora".
For three days of active and effective work many ideas on development and increase of level of the Russian mounting skiing resorts have been stated. Participants of conference comemorate the former general director of the mountain-skiing center «Zolotaia Dolina» of A.N.Kovaleva, as one of "pioneers" of mountain-skiing business in Russia. All visitors, including foreign experts, have highly appreciated the given possibility alive to discuss actual problems, to receive the information from primary sources, and also the importance of tests snow guns for development of the mountain-skiing industry in Russia.
The following International Conference of a name of A.N.Kovaleva will take place in second half of January, 2013.
Conference has been organized with support:
NK «Meeting of the mountain-skiing centers of Russia»;
The Noncomercial Organization “Alpine club” of SPb;
The Moscow Ski Salon
All question to tel. +7-812-5781601,+7-901-3741037, Golikova Irina
Fax. +7-812-5781616
Санкт-Петербург, СКК, пр.Гагарина-8
WELCOME to St.Petrsburg , exhibition-sale 16-th "SKISLON" 20-21 of October 2012y.
Exhibition-sale XV INTERNATIONAL "SKI SALON" on October, 15-16th 2011 S.-Peterburg, square A. Nevskogo, д. 2
Exhibition-sale XV INTERNATIONAL "SKI SALON" on October, 15-16th 2011
S.-Peterburg, square A. Nevskogo, д. 2
Restaurant "Moscow" in hotel "Moscow", an input from Sinopskaya emb.
The organizer of an exhibition «Alpine club»
General radio the sponsor: radio "Echo Moscow" in St.-Petersburg
The general information sponsor: magazine "Sport goods"
The general Internet - the partner: SKI.SPB.RU
The information sponsor: magazine Sports Shop
The exhibition passes with support:
The international congress of the mountain-skiing industry
Internet portal: SKI.RU
The basic sections of salon:
Mounting skiing resorts of the Northwest of Russia
Mountain-skiing regions of Russia and Evrope
Photo-video of the chamber for extreme shuting
Hotels, bases of rest
Tour operators
Mountain and running ski
Sports shops, equipment
sports-tourist Mass Media
Aviation and transport services
New Year's souvenirs - Mounting skiing resorts of the Northwest of Russia
- Mountain-skiing regions of Russia and Europe
- Country real estate
- Photo-video of the chamber for extreme shooting
- Hotels, bases of rest
- Fitness - the centers
- Tour operators
- Mountain and cross-country skis
- Sports shops, equipment
- A sports-tourist press
- Aviation and transport services
- New Year's souvenirs
On October, 15-16th befor a winter season «the Alpine club» invites extremely rest – mountain skis and a snowboard to an anniversary exhibition-sale «15 International Ski Salon».
You wait especial actions and surprises:
- Mountain-skiing clothes, sport glasses, masks, equipment from manufacturers at retail at wholesale prices,
- Direct contacts to hotels and apartments of a mounting skiing resort Meribel (France), representatives of Swedish mounting skiing resort Ore
- Special offers from tour operators, owners of awards from «the Alpine club» in a nomination «Gold Skier»
- Competition «Active tourist» and draws of prizes from participants of an exhibition. The questionnaire on a site www.skisalon.ru
- The entertaining program, discounts, presentations and many other things on anniversary XV International Ski Salon at restaurant "Moscow". Download the ticket from a site www.skisalon.ru
Welcome to paticipate exhibition at St.Petersburg 15-16/10/2011 at exhibition

Welcome to paticipate exhibition at St.Petersburg 15-16/10/2011 at exhibition
"15 Ski Salon" , www.skisalon.ru , metro station sq. A.Nevskogo
Winter season is over and we are begun to work an exhibition 15th Ski Salon in St.-Petersburg.
On October, 15-16th 2011г. There will pass an anniversary exhibition 15th Ski Salon in St.-Petersburg.
Partners from a resort of Meribel , "VisitSweden" and touroperators "InterHome", “Versa” and other have already confirmed participation in an exhibition .
Seminar "Snow canons in Russia" 6-8.12.2010

For the first time in Russia joint testing of snow machines of the basic world manufacturers.
On December, 6-8th 2010 on a mounting skiing resort “Zolotaya Dolina”(the Gold valley), in Leningrad region firm "Ski-Resort-Konsalt" has successfully held a seminar, «How correctly to do snow in Russia» and simultaneous tests of snow machines s 5 leading world manufacturers TechnoАlpine, Lenko, SMI, Areco and Sufag, with support:
“Sobranie Gornolyzhnyh Kurortov Rossii” (Meeting of the mountain-skiing centers of Russia)
«The Moscow Lyzhni Calon»
« Alpine club» St.Petersburg
«Ski Salon» St.Petersburg
Internet newspapers «Salon Expo».
In the first day of a seminar, before the prepared directors Ski resort of Russia was speeches:
General director V.A.Timakov "Ski-Resort-Konsalt”
General director mounting skiing resort “Zolotaya Dolina” (the Gold valley) E.A.Kovaleva,
Noncommercial organization “Sobranie Gornolyzhnyh Kurortov Rossii” (of the mountain-skiing centers of Russia) – Director B.V.Petrov
10 years experience of system artificial snow making has shared with "Ski-Resort Konsalt" which has prepared his the chief engineer.
Further was presentation of the equipments heads have acted
The Russian offices firms-manufacturers snow machine:
«Technoalpine» - V.Kalugin, «Lenko» – D.Chubukin, «Areco» – M.Pael,
«Sufag» – V.Marin, representatives of firm "Skado" - the official partner
Companiy "SMI" and representatives of Russian firm "Gorimpex" - official
representative company «Snowstar".
Afternoon has been started test for snow machines. Tests passed in heavy conditions for them, air temperature has risen with-40 C during start, to-10 C by the time of the finish test, till 12-00 next day. Nevertheless, the majority snow machines has shown the ability to make artificial snow at the temperature-1o C. Besides, company "GorTehCentr" has presented on test new model of a snow gun "Bachler" which also has shown the working capacity at such high temperatures. Besides a quantity indicator of the made artificial snow, its quality, and such important indicators as quantity consumed the electric power and sound were estimated also.
Participants of a seminar have inspected an infrastructure of mounting skiing resorts “Zolotaya Dolina” (the Gold valley), "Snegny”(Snow) and «Krasnoe Ozero(Red Lake), and upon termination of a seminar, the part of participants has visited a mounting skiing resort of the European level "Igora". Everywhere there was a hearty welcome and useful dialogue with experts.
In the end of the first day of a seminar and after summarizing of test of the second day, there was a live dialogue of representatives of firms-manufacturers of snow machines, "Ski-Resort-Konsalt" and mounting skiing resorts from various corners of Russia. The last have received answers to many questions how correctly to do snow in various weather conditions of our huge country, and also could be defined, what snow machines approach for them more.
For two days of active and effective work many ideas about the further carrying out of similar actions for the purpose of development and to increase of level of the Russian mounting skiing resorts have been stated.
Participants of a meeting memory of former general director “Zolotaya Dolina” (the Gold valley) A.N.Kovaleva, as one of "pioneers" of mountain-skiing business in Russia. He was the big enthusiast and expert for prepare artificial snow on mounting skiing resort “Zolotaya Dolina” (the Gold valley), and thanks for him, it first began work in Leningrad region!!!
Organizers of a seminar have made decision to immortalize Alexander Nikolaevicha Kovaleva's who has enclosed the big contribution to development of the mountain-skiing industry of Russia , and to hold further seminars under his name.
Participants of action have highly appreciated results and have agreed that such meetings become regular — now professional snowmen will meet in January, 2012, in Bitter cold to carry out tests at temperature from -15 0 C till -20 0 C.
Now the program of a seminar which will pass in June 2011года in St.-Petersburg in the white nights prepares.
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For the first time in Russia joint testing of snow machines of the basic world manufacturers.
For the first time in Russia joint testing of snow machines of the basic world manufacturers.
On December, 6-8th 2010 on a mounting skiing resort “Zolotaya Dolina”(the Gold valley), in Leningrad region firm "Ski-Resort-Konsalt" has successfully held a seminar, «How correctly to do snow in Russia» and simultaneous tests of snow machines s 5 leading world manufacturers TechnoАlpine, Lenko, SMI, Areco and Sufag, with support:
“Sobranie Gornolyzhnyh Kurortov Rossii” (Meeting of the mountain-skiing centers of Russia)
«The Moscow Lyzhni Calon»
« Alpine club» St.Petersburg
«Ski Salon» St.Petersburg
Internet newspapers «Salon Expo».
In the first day of a seminar, before the prepared directors Ski resort of Russia was speeches:
General director V.A.Timakov "Ski-Resort-Konsalt”
General director mounting skiing resort “Zolotaya Dolina” (the Gold valley) E.A.Kovaleva,
Noncommercial organization “Sobranie Gornolyzhnyh Kurortov Rossii” (of the mountain-skiing centers of Russia) – Director B.V.Petrov
10 years experience of system artificial snow making has shared with "Ski-Resort Konsalt" which has prepared his the chief engineer.
Further was presentation of the equipments heads have acted
The Russian offices firms-manufacturers snow machine:
«Technoalpine» - V.Kalugin, «Lenko» – D.Chubukin, «Areco» – M.Pael,
«Sufag» – V.Marin, representatives of firm "Skado" - the official partner
Companiy "SMI" and representatives of Russian firm "Gorimpex" - official
representative company «Snowstar".
Afternoon has been started test for snow machines. Tests passed in heavy conditions for them, air temperature has risen with-40 C during start, to-10 C by the time of the finish test, till 12-00 next day. Nevertheless, the majority snow machines has shown the ability to make artificial snow at the temperature-1o C. Besides, company "GorTehCentr" has presented on test new model of a snow gun "Bachler" which also has shown the working capacity at such high temperatures. Besides a quantity indicator of the made artificial snow, its quality, and such important indicators as quantity consumed the electric power and sound were estimated also.
Participants of a seminar have inspected an infrastructure of mounting skiing resorts “Zolotaya Dolina” (the Gold valley), "Snegny”(Snow) and «Krasnoe Ozero(Red Lake), and upon termination of a seminar, the part of participants has visited a mounting skiing resort of the European level "Igora". Everywhere there was a hearty welcome and useful dialogue with experts.
In the end of the first day of a seminar and after summarizing of test of the second day, there was a live dialogue of representatives of firms-manufacturers of snow machines, "Ski-Resort-Konsalt" and mounting skiing resorts from various corners of Russia. The last have received answers to many questions how correctly to do snow in various weather conditions of our huge country, and also could be defined, what snow machines approach for them more.
For two days of active and effective work many ideas about the further carrying out of similar actions for the purpose of development and to increase of level of the Russian mounting skiing resorts have been stated.
Participants of a meeting memory of former general director “Zolotaya Dolina” (the Gold valley) A.N.Kovaleva, as one of "pioneers" of mountain-skiing business in Russia. He was the big enthusiast and expert for prepare artificial snow on mounting skiing resort “Zolotaya Dolina” (the Gold valley), and thanks for him, it first began work in Leningrad region!!!
Organizers of a seminar have made decision to immortalize Alexander Nikolaevicha Kovaleva's who has enclosed the big contribution to development of the mountain-skiing industry of Russia , and to hold further seminars under his name.
Participants of action have highly appreciated results and have agreed that such meetings become regular — now professional snowmen will meet in January, 2012, in Bitter cold to carry out tests at temperature from -15 0 C till -20 0 C.
Now the program of a seminar which will pass in June 2011года in St.-Petersburg in the white nights prepares.
We invite the leaders of ski resorts and specialists
To take part in tour around ski centers of Leningrad region PROVISIONAL TOUR PROGRAM October 25-26, 2010
October 25, 2010. (Monday)
- 10: 30 Departure from the hotel «Moscow»
- * 12:20 -13:20 Visiting Ski-resort « PUHTALOVA GORA» all-weather eco-resort with a great amount of entertainment
- 13:00 Coffee Break
- * 14:00 - 15:20 Visiting ski-resort «GOLDEN VALLEY" representation of the System of snowmaking ski slopes «LENKO », Sweden
- 14:10 Coffee break, Visiting ski resort "Golden Valley" Visiting the ski resort "SNEGNY"
- * 15:20 - 16:00 Visiting ski resort "RED LAKE" hold international competitions for free-style and ski-board-cross
- * 16:30 Club Hotel «TRAVA» accommodation
- 19:00 Supper